


  • Messagebox + TopLevel
  • Multiprocessing + Multithreading

可以參考:Tkdocs windows


Popping up another window


Default windows



  1. 選擇檔案
    from tkinter import filedialog
    filename = filedialog.askopenfilename() #open file
    filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".jpg") #save as jpg
    dirname = filedialog.askdirectory()
  2. 選擇顏色
    from tkinter import colorchooser
  3. 選擇字體
    l = ttk.Label(root, text="Hello World", font="helvetica 24")
    l.grid(padx=10, pady=10)
    # define a function for binding
    def font_changed(font):
    l['font'] = font
    # the use of font chooser has not been fully supported please se TKdocs for more info
    root.tk.call('tk', 'fontchooser', 'configure', '-font', 'helvetica 24', '-command', root.register(font_changed))
    root.tk.call('tk', 'fontchooser', 'show')



  1. 警告 警告的視窗會有音效、特效,並且有ok的選項,沒有點完之前不能使用主程式。
    from tkinter import messagebox
    messagebox.showwarning(message="This is a warning")
  2. 提示 提示會有ok的選項,
    messagebox.showinfo(message="TK Info", # the big message
     detail="This is the Information", #the detail message 
     title="Information", # the title on the window box
     default="no" #default button, usually is 'ok',can be 'abort, retry, ignore, ok, cancel, yes, or no')
  3. 詢問(是/否)
    messagebox.askyesno(message="Do you want to do this?",
     detail="this operation will delete files",
  4. 其他 還有其他的視窗,這邊列出全部,還有它會跳出的按鈕相對應的回傳值
  • showinfo: ⇒ “ok”
  • showwarning: ⇒ “ok”
  • showerror: ⇒ “ok”
  • askokcancel: ⇒ True (on ok) or False (on cancel)
  • askyesno: ⇒ True (on yes) or False (on no)
  • askretrycancel: ⇒ True (on retry) or False (on cancel)
  • askquestion: ⇒ “yes” or “no”
  • askyesnocancel: ⇒ True (on yes), False (on no), or None (on cancel)



from tkinter import *
# create the main app
app = tk.Tk()
app.title("Main app")
# create a button to open the new window
btn = ttk.Button(app, text="choose size", command=lambda: create_window(app))

def create_window():
	# bind the toplevel under app
	choose_window = Toplevel(app,bg="#eee")
	choose_window.title("Choosing window")
	# let the window be centered on the screen
	choose_window.geometry('400x200+%d+%d' % (app.winfo_screenwidth()/2-250,app.winfo_screenheight()/2-50))
	# not resizeable
	# add more widgets on it


	button=ttk.Button(choose_window,text="ok I choose this",
		command=lamda: confirm_choose(choose_window))
# define an funciton outside the create_window() function
def confirm_choose(choose_window):
	# do something about the choose
	# destory the window


	# inside the create_window()
	# don't know the difference between grab_set() and focus() 

可以參考:What does the wait_window() do?




  • Using Tk with multiprocessing
  • Using multiprocessing on Windows

Tk with multi-*

When using multithread there should be no problem, but there are sequences that we need more processing powers when multithreading just doesn’t work. Using multiprocessing and multithreading is simple just call the modules multithread and multiprocessing , but you need to be careful about as suggested, fully pack all function especially the mainloop() under the __main__. So that multiprocessing does not mess with the main loop and pop out another tkinter.Tk() main window.

import tkinter as tk
import multiprocessing
# lock everything inside __main__
if __name__ == '__main__':
	# creating the application main window and its name
    app = tk.Tk()
    # do things
    # do multiprocessing things
    def worker():
    input_list = ['a','b','c'] # things to give to worker
    with multiprocessing.Pool(cpus) as pool:
    	result = pool.map_async(worker,input_list)
    # call the mainloop() to activate the app

Another usual circumstances when using multiprocessing, we want to show the progress by the progressbar widget. The problem is when calling update_idletasks() or update() at child process doesn’t update the main process(the progressbar). After a long search on Google LUL , a better approach is to open a thread to maintain the tk widget progressbar itself, then open multi-processes for running the job. Then by receiving communication with the child processes e.g. using shared-memory object or after receiving a result from a process, the thread keeps updating the progressbar, which keeps the progressbar moving.

Another work-around is opening a thread that just keep running indetermined progressbar which the bar just keep moving so that user knows the progess is running, this is more easy so I did this.

Multiprocessing on Windows

When you use multiprocessing module on Unix-like/MacOS the process is forked, but on Windows when using multiporcessing , the process is not forked is (need to confirm). This creates the same problem when creating a child process, the main Tk will still be duplicated , furthermore creates a lot questionable windows.

The document points out that it is a problem on Windows where we need to use freeze_support().

from multiprocessing import freeze_support
#just before everything
if __name__ == '__main__':
	# before doing anything

This keeps the multiprocessing from creating a lot of duplicated windows.



import PIL.Image
import numpy as np
im = PIL.Image.read('1.jpg')
im = np.asarray(im)
im_pil = PIL.Image.fromarray(im)

我當初是把圖片轉成矩陣並且存成list放在另一個python檔案,然後用這個方式讀進來,值得一提的是我存的是黑白圖片,是3 dimension的array,檔案通常會是200*200*1這種矩陣,數值是0~255,所以是8-bit的圖片。那我就按照了類似上面的做法

im_pil = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.asarray(array1)) 
# array1 is the array containing the image


# 8-bit mode is L, which should be the mode I use
im_pil = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.asarray(array1),mode='L')
# 16-bit mode is I
im_pil = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.asarray(array1),mode='I')


# 8-bit image
im_pil = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.asarray(array1).astype(np.uint8),mode='I')
# 8-bit RGB image
im_pil = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.asarray(array2).astype(np.uint8),mode='RGB')
# if the type is correct don't even need to set the mode, it will determine it is rgb etc
im_pil = PIL.Image.fromarray(np.asarray(array3).astype(np.uint8))